Tel: 086-310-6120 , 086-344-2743 Business Time

Saint Tropez Beach Resort Hotel

Saint Tropez Restaurant
     An all-day contemporary restaurant offers an extensive menu of Thai and Europe food. Our renowned chefs use the freshest local ingredients, this way we give the cuisine in our restaurants authentic local touches to create something that is truly unique and delicious. You can choose to sit in an air conditioned room or sit by the balcony overlooking the sea. - Accommodating 150 seats - Open daily from 06.30 - 22.00 hrs.
Seafood Beach Bar
     Spice your taste buds with delicious fresh seafood and grills as well as a full range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, or experience the new stylish bar by the sea. The second floor is designed like a lighthouse with binoculars to unwind the inspiring panoramic sea view.
Outdoor Saltwater Swimming Pool
     Saint Tropez Pool offers the ultimate in relaxation and exclusively uses saltwater for your gentle skin. You can watch a beautiful sunset which is an ideal spot for relaxing after a long day in a tranquil environment. - Adult pool: depth 1.20 to 1.50 m. - Children pool: depth 80 cm - Jacuzzi: depth 80 cm Daily: 07:00 to 21:00 hours.
Kid Zone
     Children's playground is located on the landing between the restaurant and the swimming pool.There are toy house sliders and bright colors swings for kids to have fun on holiday.
     Small conference room located on the second floor of the lobby is ideal for private meetings of 10 - 12 people.
Grand Ballroom
     Grand Ballroom can accommodate up to 450 delegates in a meeting setting, 350 people for a cocktail reception, or 250 people for a sit-down dinner, with modern audio-visual equipment. Food and drink will be allocated according to the organizers’ requests. Facilities in the Grand Ballroom: - Stage - Projector - Sound system - Wireless Microphone - Microphone Stand - Table Microphones - Flip charts.
Ect : Home
ADDRESS: 2 Phetkasem Soi 68 Bangkae-Nue Bangkae, Bangkok Thailand 10160©2010-2024
Tel: 086-310-6120 , 086-344-2743 | Fax: 02-804-3325 | E-mail:

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